Offworld Trading Company Wiki
Space Elevator
Space Elevator
Launch your electronics to Earth and the asteroid belt for insane profits!

Requires level 4/5 HQ
Aluminum Aluminum 600/600
Glass Glass 100/100
Electronics Electronics 100/100


The Space Elevator is an advanced building unique to Io. It requires an HQ of level 4 to build one, and 5 to build two. An exception is the Elite faction which may construct one Space Elevator on HQ levels 3, 4, and 5 for a total of three.

With this building, you can sell resources at the Offworld Price. You can only ship 100 resources at a time and it costs 100 units of the selected resource, 20 units of uranium and 20 units of aluminum.

Offworld prices are randomized at the beginning of each game and rise steadily throughout. Every 15 seconds after, every resource has a chance of its offworld price increasing by $10. In games with two or fewer players, offworld prices start at 0.75x what they would otherwise start at, rounded down to the nearest multiple of 10.

Resource Starting Range Increase Probability
Water Water $50-290 0.25
Food Food $70-390 0.5
Oxygen Oxygen $70-390 0.5
Fuel Fuel $70-390 0.33
Aluminum Aluminum $20-190 0.2
Iron Iron $20-190 0.2
Uranium Uranium $20-190 0.2
Steel Steel $50-290 0.25
Carbon Carbon $20-190 0.2
Silicon Silicon $20-190 0.2
Chemicals Chemicals $70-390 0.33
Glass Glass $50-290 0.25
Electronics Electronics $50-290 0.33